Line drawing by M. Szent Ivany, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 4 (1981) 187, fig. 75.

Distribution map generated from Australia's Virtual Herbarium.


Solanum terraneum Symon, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 4: 186; fig. 75 (1981) 

T: 61 km S of Agnew, W.A., 12 May 1975, D.E. Symon 9932; holo: PERTH; iso: AD ex ADW, CANB, K, MO.


Clonal, herbaceous perennial to 10 cm, grey-green, densely pubescent with stellate hairs; prickles absent, or 3–5 mm long, on stems and petioles.

Leaves ovate to elliptic; lamina mostly 2–6 cm long, 1–4 cm wide, slightly discolorous, entire; petiole to 15 mm long, sometimes longer.  

Flowers solitary or 2–3; peduncle absent or to 5 mm long; pedicels 15–25 mm long. Calyx 5–8 mm long; lobes narrowly triangular to linear, 3–5 mm long. Corolla stellate, 20 mm diam., pale blue. Anthers 4–5 mm long.  

Berry globular to ellipsoid, 8–10 mm diam., pale green when ripe. Seeds 2.5–3 mm long, yellow. n=24.

Distribution and ecology

Known only from scattered collections from south-west margins of the Great Victoria Desert, W.A. Usually associated with grasslands or sparse woodlands on red sand plains.


Part of the S. ellipticum group of subgen. Leptostemonum according to Bean (2004).

Selected specimens

W.A.: 48 km W of Coonana, R.J. Chinnock 1124 (AD); 31 km W of Wiluna, D.E. Symon 9975 (AD, PERTH).


From the web

Further information for this species in WA can be found on the FloraBase site.

There is as yet no information for this species attached to the Solanaceae Source site.